Thursday 14 April 2011

Red Dragon Opening sequence analysis

Red Dragon is a 2003 film directed by Brett Ratner. I analysed the pre title sequence of the film using camera angles, sound, mise en scene and editing to help me break it down. Doctor Hannibal Lector is the main character in this film played by the well known actor Anthony Hopkins.
The pre title sequence is set in a grand theatre, a crane shot of the audience is shown as they are watching an orchestra perform. The camera slowly zooms in on Hannibal, who seems to stand out from the others, which suggests he's an important character in the film. By the way he represents himself, wearing a suit, suggests he may be upper class and an important character within society. The camera zooms in and shows an extreme close up of Hannibal Lectors face. You can see the concentration on his face as he watches and observes the flute player in the orchestra.Shot reverse shots are used between Hannibal and the flute player. He notices a single note of the piece that the flute player has got wrong, the expression on his face shows that Hannibal has notcied, and is very dissapointed as its a song he must love and know very well. He immediately wants revenge upon the flute player.
The music in the pre title sequence starts off very loud portraying aggression, it's very powerful just like Doctor Hannibal Lector. The classical music sounds very cheerful until the flute player gets a note wrong, the tempo then gets a lot faster, creating a sense of danger.
The title sequence for Red Dargon is very similar in many wats to the title sequence for Se7en. Se7en could have inspired Brett Ratner to make his using similar eliments. Like Se7en, a scrapbook has been used, including horrifying and disturbing images mainly of different body parts which suggests this is what the film could be about. There are shots of newspaper articles, with positive stories about Doctor Hannibal Lector, then suddenly the lighting goes down and the music turns to a much lower and more aggressive sound as we see shots of negative stories about Hannibal, he looks pure evil. This shows us the two sides to Hannibal and how he can go from good to bad so easily. There is also an image of a young child with their eyes scratched out which could represent how Hannibal doesn't like people looking at him and seeing him for what he really is.
The titles are red and white, red representing danger and blood, while white could symbolise the better side of hannibal, this could help represent the two sides hannibal has to him, red been his bad and evil side, harming people and white representing his innocence and purity.

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