Thursday, 14 April 2011

Love Actually/Bridget jones Comparisons

Bridget Jones' Diaries

This opening of Bridget Jones is also a scene with the main character; being Bridget Jones as the narrator. She is the lead protagonist of this film. The scene is a majority of middle class, Caucasian characters. There is a demographic freeze and dissolves from the family home to a small one bedroom'ed apartment. There is the diegetic music playing to understand what state of mind the character is in (being alone; so the song all by myself - Celine Dion match's her state of mind) this helps to fit her personality of a lonely young woman. Orange font is used to connect with her and to show what she is writing, an up-beat non-diegetic music is played when her boss walks in to show her desire for him. Bridget represents women of today. The Orange titles predominately appear on the left.
Love Actually

This opening is based on a scene in the airport made up of close ups and panning of people being re-united at the airports. The first past of this opening is based on a couple smiling and hugging, there is a right panning to these with the crowds still being around them but them two people being focused. They then kiss before the camera zooms out and back in to another two people where there is a close up of a mother and child being re-united before it pans to other people running and hugging with a mixture of close ups, over the shoulder views and all this is shown through a point for view shot. Everyone in this clip is happy, hugging, smiling and kissing. There are no credits used at all through this show. These cuts acted as a montage with a voice over with Hugh Grant. All in all this film gives a surreal impression of London involving middle class people.


They start as a sound bridge and both used proper love songs that are old retro tracks from around the 70/80s, these help because it's light, fluffy music that's ironic and targets the audience because the film is likely to be watched by adults that were around that period of time. They both also star Hugh Grant and Collin Hearth. In both Bridget Jones and Love Actually they play the same based character with the same appearance. Hugh Grant appears powerful in both these films. They are both Christmas based and show a 'picture postcard' of Great Britain, this is appealing for the American audience. The Britain's are shown as old fashioned, traditional with expensive houses and posh accents. They are also shown as being snobby but happy.

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